Install Python

Sections of this workshop were taken from the excellent Django Girls Tutorial, a more comprehensive tutorial that we encourage you to try in your own time.

In this workshop we will be using Python 3.6 or later and the PyCharm editor. If you already have Python 3.6 or later installed, jump to the PyCharm installation section.

Install Python: Windows

  1. Go to
  2. Click on the Latest Python 3 Release - Python x.x.x link
  3. Scroll down to the Files section
  4. Download the Windows x86-64 executable installer
  5. Execute the installer and follow the promps. When you get to the Setup screen make sure you tick the Add Python 3.7 to PATH checkbox.

  1. To check if the installation was successful, launch a terminal (hit Command + R, type in cmd and hit Enter) and then enter the following command into your terminal:
python --version

This should output Python 3.7.3

Install Python: macOS

Check if you already have Python 3 installed by launching a terminal (hit Command + Space, type in terminal and hit Enter) and then entering the following command into your terminal:

python3 --version

If the command outputs Python 3.6 or later, continue to the PyCharm installation section.

If you don't have Python installed, or if you want a newer version, follow the instructions at to install the Homebrew package manager and then run:

brew install python3

Install Python: Linux

It is very likely that you already have Python installed out of the box. To check if you have it installed (and which version it is), open a console and type the following command:

python3 --version

If the command outputs Python 3.6 or later, continue to the PyCharm installation section. Otherwise install Python with your operating system's package manager:

Debian or Ubuntu

Open a terminal and run:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install python3 python3-pip


Open a terminal and run:

sudo dnf install python3


sudo yum install epel-release
sudo yum install python36 python36-pip

Installing PyCharm

To install PyCharm visit and click Download Now. The Community edition is free and has all the features you will need for this workshop.